Our First Ever Homeownership Expo!

Wolakota Team Celebration Lunch

After an intense fall and winter, the Wolakota team has brought the Wolakota project to a more stable and strong foundation. Through collaborative practices, quick schedule adjustments and creative thinking, and long work hours on weekdays and through weekends, TJ, Jerrica, Bud and Tom ensured that the project will not only survive but thrive for years to come. They not only responded to external pressures with respect but also with commitment, care, and compassion for the relatives and for all those who helped. 

With savvy and strong support from Board members and Executive staff, this spring Wolakota kicks off with resilient milestone achieved:

  • Handling and accounting for the entire herd for the first time: Around 1,014 bison accounted for on 28,000 acres

  • Success of an approved new house for staff on-site

  • Care for safety and teamwork through trials and tribulations

  • Acquired grant funds for a community "Harvest and Learning Center" building

While there is still much to do at Wolakota, it is important to recognize all that has been accomplished up to this point and against many odds. The on-site staff went above and beyond their roles to ensure the success of this foundational Sicangu Co project.

Pilamayaye (thank you) to the Wolakota Team - TJ, Jerrica, Bud, Koby, and Tom - and to EVERYONE who has been part of these efforts thus far. It takes an entire community to bring back and care for the relatives. None of us could do it without the bison nor without each other. Please stay tuned for more updates from Wolakota. 

In Case You Missed It:

Building Home Gardens for the Oyate

In order to support families address the need for fresh, healthy produce, for the past three years Sicangu Co has worked with families across the reservation to install home gardens. This year, we are seeking donations to help us reach even more families. Additionally, we will be expanding beyond home gardens and also supporting families with home harvesting of traditional foods and medicines.

🍅The Home Garden Project provides families with:

Seeds, starter plants grown by community growers, traditional gardens, elevated beds for elders, labor to till new ground mixed with compost and broad forking for softer ground, composters, as well as garden & compost education.

🌱The Wild Foods and Medicines Harvester Project will provide families with:

Buckets, shovels, scissors, ziploc bags, little first aid kits, wild foods and medicines identification booklet, harvester and wilderness safety booklet (poison ivy, snakes etc), and a few harvesting events.


Uŋčí Wóslolye: Launching a Lakota Language Learning App for the Wakanyeja


On the Map: Our Food Sovereignty Initiative Featured in National Geographic UK